8 Reasons

to Apply GardenGro

in the Fall

Did you know that the end of the growing season is a great time to add our GardenGro to your garden?

 Here are 8 reasons why now is the perfect time to apply:

1. Soil Structure Improvement: GardenGro contains humic acid, a natural organic compound that can improve soil structure by binding soil particles together, creating better drainage and aeration. This is particularly important at the end of the growing season when compacted soil might have formed from heavy use during the growing months.

2. Nutrient Retention: GardenGro’s high quality ingredients have a high cation exchange capacity (CEC), which means it can hold onto nutrients and make them more available to plants. By applying GardenGro, you can help ensure that any leftover nutrients from the growing season are retained in the soil, ready for the next planting season.

3. Root Development: GardenGro is rich in bio-stimulants, micronutrients, and minerals. Applying it to the soil can encourage root development even during the dormant months. Healthy root systems established at the end of the growing season will give your plants a head start in the next growing season.

4. Stress Resistance: GardenGro can enhance the stress resistance of plants. As the growing season ends, plants might experience stress due to changing weather conditions, pests, and diseases. GardenGro can help plants better withstand these stressors.

5. Organic Matter Addition: Applying GardenGro contributes to the organic matter content of the soil. This helps build long-term soil fertility, water-holding capacity, and microbial activity, which are all crucial for healthy plant growth.

6. Overall Soil Health: By improving soil structure, nutrient availability, and microbial activity, GardenGro contributes to the overall health of your garden's soil. Healthy soil translates to healthier plants and more productive growing seasons.

7. Preparing for Next Season: Applying GardenGro at the end of the growing season sets the stage for a successful start in the next season. It gives your garden a jumpstart, providing the necessary nutrients and conditions for young plants to thrive as soon as they're planted.

8. Environmental Benefits: The ingredients in GardenGro, such as humic acid and kelp extract, are often considered environmentally friendly amendments. They are derived from natural sources and can help reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers, which can have negative impacts on water bodies and ecosystems when overused.