How to Apply

Application Directions:

Apply 1 quart of AFB mixed with 10 gallons of water per acre per application. The best time to apply the first application is immediately following harvest or when next crop first emerged. Wait 2-2.5 weeks before making subsequent application. When applying AFB to dormant trees or vines, apply approximately 20% to the plant (foliar), and 80% to the ground in dormant stage. In growth stage, apply 80% to the plant, and the remaining 20% to the ground.

Mixing Instructions:

When adding AFB to sprayer, be sure that the total amount of water has been added first. AFB should be added second and then agitated to mix. Do NOT add any water after the AFB has been added. By putting the AFB in the sprayer before water, the full benefit of AFB may not be received. We do not recommend the use of other spreaders or stickers when the AFB is being used. The AFB should not be mixed with other chemicals. AFB should be applied by itself. Apply AFB at least 24-48 hours before or after any herbicide. If an herbicide has been used in the same sprayer used for AFB application, be sure to thoroughly clean the tank, lines, pump, and nozzle before applying AFB.