“There can be  

no life without soil

and no soil

without life”

Dr. Charles E

Q: Why should I use KozGro Organics?

You should use our products if you care about your soil and plant health.

When you use our products you are contributing to the overall health of the soil ecosystem which is the true key to healthy plant growth. Our products are not only designed to focus on the health of the soil, but are also helping to support healthy plant functions such as flower, stem and leaf development.



Discarded animal bedding materials, animal manure, and kitchen scraps have the potential to be rich organic matter for soil once properly composted. Applying KozGro Organics’s products helps to accelerate the breakdown of compost materials. The humic acids in all KozGro Organics’s products are known to stimulate microbial activity. They provide an energy source for microbes, which in turn enhances the decomposition of organic matter. KozGro Organics can enhance the production and activity of enzymes that are involved in breaking down organic matter.

KozGro Organics helps to improve soil fertility without adding synthetic or hard to breakdown nutrients. Our products improve nutrient cycling in the soil by stimulating microbial activity and enhancing nutrient availability. Humic acid bonds with essential nutrients, preventing their leaching and making them more accessible to plants and microbes. Additionally, by improving soil structure and stabilizing pH levels, KozGro Organics creates a more favorable environment for nutrient uptake and efficient microbial processes, leading to more effective nutrient cycling in the soil.



KozGro Organics can improve soil structure by enhancing its physical and biological properties. Rich in organic compounds and minerals, KozGro Organics’s products promote the growth of beneficial soil microorganisms and plant roots, leading to better soil aggregation and porosity. Humic acid present in our products contributes by binding soil particles into stable aggregates and improving water retention. Together, the complex ingredients in KozGro Organics, enhance the soil's ability to retain nutrients and water, support robust microbial communities, and improve root penetration, resulting in a more fertile, resilient, and well-structured soil environment.

